Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 4: Just Sew

The fabric scrap bin is staring at me.

The best way to attack a bulging fabric scrap bin is with an open mind and my Janome Sewist 509.

When I start a new quilted piece, I don't think too much about what I am making or how it will look in the end. I just starting sewing pieces together. After 5 or 6 fabric pieces, I have a bit of a pattern and color combination going. Today the purples and reds are speaking to me.

I like to throw in a black and white graphic print. I like the way it pulls the piece together and adds a bit of edginess. This black and white print reminds me of a bar code. This makes me thinking of shopping and materialism. This makes me think about phrases I might embroider on the top of the piece.  Perhaps prices or discounts or sale lingo like, "Lowest Prices of the Season!"

I've decided to make this piece a table runner. It will look fabulous on my long black dinning room table. I'm imagining it with white china plates, flowers in low vases, lots of candles, red wine, and friends. Stay tuned on this ... I will post the finished project.


Speaking of finished projects, I finished my daughter's quilt late last night. I sneaked into her room and covered her with it while she was sleeping. She woke with two surprises this morning, her quilt and no school due to icy roads. A perfect combination for snuggling.

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